• Ant in FlashDevelop

    If you need compile your Flex\Flash project, you have to make two steps:

    1. Install Ant
    2. Find the file \Settings\ToolBar.xml in your FlashDevelop directory and append the following lines before </toolbar> tag:

    I imply you use the latest FlashDevelop version (3.0.6 RTM).

  • FlashDevelop shortcuts

    I noticed that many people don’t know very useful shortcuts in FlashDevelop. Therefore I listed them below. Many of them can be used in advanced text editors like Notepad++ (edit section and further).

    Development shortcuts

    Ctrl+SPACE = Autofill.
    Ctrl+Alt+SPACE = Autofill with class name.
    Ctrl+Shift+SPACE = Shows method parameters hint if cursor is inside method call.
    Ctrl+Shift+1 = Template generation. You can generate:

    • Getters and setters if you are on field definition.
    • Class field if you are on undeclared variable.
    • Function if you are on undeclared function.
    • Event handler if you are on undeclared event handler.
    • All public methods and properties inherited by current class from the interface under cursor

    Ctrl+B = Snippet insertion. Snippet is unparameterized code template. In instance, condition or loop. You can add/edit snippets by Tools->General Tools->Snippet Editor…
    Ctrl+J = Activating TypeExplorer window. It helps to find the class by the first letters of class name. You can open the class at once.
    F5, Ctrl+Enter = Compile project
    Ctrl+Shift+K = Insert color
    Ctrl+Shift+I = Insert GUID.

    Code navigation

    F4 = Goto method/class/property declaration.
    Shift+F4 = Come back from there
    F12 = Goto Next error.
    Shift+F12 = Goto Previous error.
    Ctrl+[ = Goto next statement (declaration of variables or function, condition statements, new operator etc.)
    Ctrl+] = Goto previous statement
    Ctrl+Shift+F = Expand/collapse current line
    Ctrl+Shift+A = Collapse all
    Ctrl+Shift+E = Expand all
    Ctrl+G = Goto line number…


    Double click on word = word selection
    Ctrl+U = converts selected word to uppercase
    Ctrl+L = converts selected word to lowercase
    Ctrl+right arrow = Goto next word
    Ctrl+left arrow = Goto previous word
    Ctrl+up arrow = Scroll up the window
    Ctrl+down arrow = Scroll down the window
    Ctrl+/ = Goto previous subword (separate word or subword starting with capital letter. For example, the subword “Count” in word “filesCount”)
    Ctrl+\ = Goto next subword
    Alt+Home = Goto real line start but not the first not-null symbol of the line like Home key.
    Ctrl+Home= Goto file begin.
    Ctrl+End = Goto file end.
    Ctrl+D = Duplicate the line
    Ctrl+T = switches the current an the previous lines
    Ctrl+Shift+D = Deleted the current line
    Ctrl+Q = comment line
    Ctrl+Shift+Q = uncomment line


    Ctrl+F = Search window
    Ctrl+H = Replace window
    Ctrl+I = Replace in Files window
    F3 = Goto next word usage
    Shift+F3 = Goto previous word usage

    Windows managements

    Ctrl+S = Saves the Tab
    Ctrl+Shift+S = Save as…
    Ctrl+W = Close the current tab
    Alt+F4 = close FlashDevelop
    Ctrl+N = Opens new blank tab
    Hold CTRL and pressing TAB several times = switching tabs in forward direction
    Hold Ctrl+Shift and pressing TAB = switching tabs in backward direction
    Ctrl+TAB = Goto last active tab
    Ctrl+PgUP = Goto between tabs from right to left
    Ctrl+PgDown = Goto between tabs from left to right
    Alt+Shift+Enter = Go to fullscreen

    I hope this shortcut list will help you use FlashDevelop more efficiently.