• When dll is missed in bin folder…

    Let’s say you have the following structure of projects:

    .NET Framework -> .net standard -> NuGet.

    In this case NuGet’s dll may be missed in output folder of your .Net Framework project. In this case Scott Hansleman recommends to add this line into your csproj:

    Here is the full article:

  • Using bitwise operation with Enums in C#

    Great article on this:

    Enum, Flags and bitwise operators

  • Concise but full Regex cheat sheet

    Look here: http://www.rexegg.com/regex-quickstart.html

  • Nightly jobs vs. events

    Interesting concept of replacing all nightly jobs with delayed events.


  • PUT vs PATCH

    Explanation of PATCH Http method:


  • 10 Best Practices for Better RESTful API

    Just read this article. It’s amazing: https://blog.mwaysolutions.com/2014/06/05/10-best-practices-for-better-restful-api/

  • Permission denied error when generating sass

    If you have “permission denied” error when generating css files with compass gem (`initialize': Permission denied @ rb_sysopen) there are two options you can try:

    1. Delete all  .sass-cache folders.
    2. If the step above didn’t help then try updating compass gem:

    While updating gems I faced a problem. This error was displayed:  SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed
    This is due to recent changes of rubygems.org infrastructure. In order to fix this as official manual says you need to:

    1. Download the latest RubyGems
    2. Run commands:

    That’s is. Everything should work after updating gems!

  • Installing .NET Core on Mac

    You can install .NET Core on your MacOs quite easily. You can find instructions on official Microsoft page. Or just make these steps:

    1. Install openssl library with either homebrew or macports


    In any case make sure you are under admin and check your path to installed openssl lib (/opt/local/lib/ or /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/). It may differs depending on your configs.

    2. Download and install official .NET Core installer.

    3. Make sure everything went well by typing in terminal: dotnet --info

    4. Try to create and run a project:

    You should see "Hello World!" in Terminal.

  • Comparison table of .NET test frameworks

    You can see comparison table of methods/attributes/peculiarities of different .NET test frameworks by this link: http://xunit.github.io/docs/comparisons.html

  • connecting to localhost from another network

    Sometimes you need to test your local server (localhost) from another network. For example, your iPad uses WiFi and your workstation uses Ethernet and they are in different subnetworks.
    The solution is to use tunnel service which redirect all requests to external website to your localhost. You can use localtunnel.me – an npm package. It generates web address, e.g. https://gqgh.localtunnel.me, and redirects requests to specified port on localhost.